Born on 28 August 1943 in the city of Rostov region Bataysk. He graduated from Rostov Medical Institute (1967). Doctor of Medicine (1973). Professor (1977). Academician of Russian Aviation and Missile Academy of Sciences (1997). Corresponding Member of RAMS, then - the Russian Academy of Sciences (2014)
He worked in the system of medical research institutions and administrative organizations, the Ministry of Health. At various times, he served as rector of Rostov State Medical University, Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation, Director of the Institute for New Technologies, RAMS, Director of the Scientific Center of Biomedical Technology Medical Sciences (now - Federal State Institution of Science Research Center of Biomedical Technology of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency of Russia), which to this day is the supervisor. The scientist and educator in the field of non-lethal weapons to protect arms and military equipment. Director and member of the development of defense programs at a special pharmacology and toxicology. Author of scientific works and inventions on the protection of weapons and military equipment and special means of protection efficiency. The winner of the state awards, prizes of the Government of the Russian Federation and prize of FMBA of Russia (1987, 1990, 2014.).